Thank you for your patience
Owner's Required Maintenance
Backflows & FDC

Remove all visible rust, paint RED using oil based (Rust-Oleum or similar) industrial coating
Maintain visible signage to indicate address the backflow/FDC feeds
Backflow to be chained
5" Storz connection required (upgrading to 5" is required if 2.5" Siamese is still in place)
Annual testing by a company licensed to perform such work. Report any water leaks for repair.
Keep free of landscaping and plant growth 3 feet around for emergency access
Fire Sprinkler System
Remove all visible rust, paint RED using oil based (Rust-Oleum or similar) industrial coating
If inside a room, make sure door is clearly labeled for emergency access
Annual testing by a company licensed to perform such work
Every 5 years requires an obstruction test in addition to the annual inspection
Keep free of landscaping and plant growth 3 feet around for emergency access

Emergency Lighting
Testing Requirements
NFPA 101, Chapter 39.2.9 Emergency lighting shall be provided in all buildings four or more stories in height or with more than 12 dwelling units.
NFPA 101, Chapter Testing of required emergency lighting systems shall be permitted to be conducted as follows: Functional testing shall be conducted monthly, with a minimum of 3 weeks and a maximum of 5 weeks between tests for not less than 30 seconds.
The fire marshal's office requires the following form to be submitted annually.
Emergency Lighting Inspection and Test Certification Form

Fire Alarm Control Panels (FACP)
Contact NRFD for any changes to after-hours point of contacts or keyholder information
Maintain visible signage to indicate the location of the FACP
Annual testing by a company licensed to perform such work. Report any troubles for repair
Contact fire department if there are any questions on the necessity of a firewatch during system outages or scheduled repairs
Please Click Below to update NRFD on changes to your after-hours contacts or to request us to come out and update the keys in the Knox Box for your business.
Please Click Below to Pay False Alarm Fees
Privately Owned Fire Hydrants
The responsibility for properly maintaining a water-based fire protection system belongs to the owner of the property where the private system is located. (Unless a tenant's lease specifically states otherwise)
Per the Florida Fire Prevention Code, a private fire service hydrant shall be properly maintained to provide at least the same level of performance and protection as designed. The owner shall be responsible for maintaining the system and keeping it in good working condition (NFPA 1; Flow testing and repairs must be conducted by a company licensed to perform such work.
Blue Reflective Tape on Collar
Blue Pavement Marker

Hazardous Materials
Safety Data Sheets (SDS) need to be current, complete and quickly identifiable
Flammable cabinets
Non-flammable high pressure cylinders must be secured
Hazardous materials to be stored in a controlled area
Leak detector and process to test propane cylinders
Appropriate fire extinguishing agents for products on site
Check Fire Extinguishers monthly for proper location, pin in place, gauge is in the green, easily accessible
Fire Extinguishers require annual testing by a company licensed to perform such work.
Check electric cords to ensure no extension cords in use (only for temporary use)
All power strips should be plugged directly into a wall, with all large appliances directly into an outlet
Check EXIT and Emergency Lights EVERY 30 days to ensure working order
Check for EXIT maps and proper signage to inform occupants of exits

Fuel Tanks / Propane
All excess propane tanks not in use must be stored outdoors in locked cabinets
Bollards and Fire Extinguisher required for outdoor fueling locations
Placards and labelling of tanks as required
Appropriate fire extinguishing agents for products on site
Electrical Panels
Protect from forklift accidents
Mark areas to identify area to keep clear of storage